2023 National Boy Scout Jamboree
The National Scout Jamboree (NSJ) is a gathering of thousands of members of the Boy
Scouts of America and their guests usually held every four years and organized by the national Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The NSJ provides opportunities for youth and leaders to participate in program events, activities and attractions focusing on the activities of Scouting such as: physical fitness, conservation, ecology, and the universal spirit of brotherhood. A jamboree is typically held for ten consecutive days and offers many activities for youth participants and the thousands of visitors from the general public who visit. It is considered to be Scouting at its best.
The key objectives of a NSJ is to: bring youth and leaders to a better and a deeper sense of commitment to the ideals of Scouting, show the citizens of the United States of America and the world a model of democratic action as conducted by a great youth movement in a free society, to provide youth with a rich and genuine Scouting experience, and to provide an opportunity to meet and camp with brother Scouts from many parts of the united States of America and also the world.
Youth members sign up for the Jamboree through an application process through their local councils, who the places each boy into the Jamboree troop. Large councils are granted multiple Jamboree troops. Each troop comprises four adults (a Scoutmaster, and three assistant Scoutmasters) and 36 youth in four traditional patrols of eight boys each, plus a leadership corps of four older boys. Each troop that attends the jamboree is assigned to a campsite location and in front of the campsite troops construct a gateway to display trademarks of their council or state. Gateways can range from the very simple to the extremely elaborate. Most troops issue a special patch, made especially for the Jamboree. Once at the Jamboree, Scouts trade their council’s patches for patches from across the United States and the world. For more info visit: http://www.scoutingbsa.org/Council_Info/Council_Events/2005/National_Jamboree/History.html