
All These Young Ladies #DuPageAMEChurchSang In the Sunbeam Choir, IChoir & VOT, Ushers, Sunday School, BibleBowl, GirlScouts & YPD… #VolunteeringOnAHotDay  #Reach#goldawardscouts — at DuPage AME Church. –Michelle Smith-Neal

We are officially announcing the new Boy Scouts of America MoP awards that just launched at NAM this past week! This is a sneak peak of what is to come: The Messenger of Peace Ambassador Award There are 3 more awards that we are going to be announcing this week, so stay tuned! –Missiouri McPhee

DuPage AME Troop and Pack 263 weekend camping. –Anthony Franklin Sr. Another successful camping trip for the scouts –Jamel McGinnis

Eagle Ceremony at Reid Temple AME Church with pastor Rev. Dr. Mark E Whitlock, Jr. – Eagle Scout –Clarence Crayton

Troop 505 had an amazing day @ the Hidden Oaks Nature Center. The Scouts learned all about bugs, insects, nature, wildlife and caught butterflies.. #Troop56505 #brownies #DuPageNation –Michele Smith-Neal

Hello Scout Famlies. I know AAMES Scouting Connection is all about scouting. But I want to note and promote that Scouts are just as passionate outside of scouting. Most of our scouts are not just into scouting they excel in many areas. The strive for excellence in school and volunteer in their churches and communities. […]